How your course will be delivered

We understand that you may have questions about how your course will be delivered. We've summarised the main points below.

Key points


Following your induction week (which starts on 16 September), Semester 1 teaching will start in the week beginning 23 September.

During induction and in initial sessions during your first week, we will clarify what you can expect from us and what our expectations are of you as learners.

Teaching and learning

At the beginning of each semester, you will receive a timetable showing you all of the timetabled sessions that we expect you to attend.

We use a range of engaging teaching and learning methodologies including workshops, seminars and tutorials, picking the best approach to suit the topic which allows us to deliver our world-class curriculum.

Some teaching activities will include the whole cohort of students. For other sessions, you will attend with a small group of your peers. These smaller group sessions will generally be used to dive deeper into the material, ask questions, do practical work and have in-depth discussions.

Timetabled teaching sessions are enhanced by various supporting materials such as presentations, video content, online discussion boards or collaborative documents, which you will access in your own time. Some teaching sessions will require you to access these materials in advance of the session. This will help you get the most out of the learning opportunity and our expectations will be made clear to you in relation to this.

You will be assigned to an Academic Adviser who will work closely with you to support your learning. You will have small group and individual meetings, and be encouraged to formulate your own individual study plan. They will also specifically support you with academic writing skills.

You will also be assigned a peer mentor, who will be a Year 2, 3 or 4 speech and language therapy student to support you throughout the year.

Clinical learning

You will participate in our clinical learning environment each week.

Using simulated learning methods and supported by a clinical facilitator, we will support you to develop clinical and professional skills.

Previous student feedback tells us these sessions are highly valued and bolster confidence, providing a 'safe space' for new learners to practice and learn from any mistakes ahead of block placements.

Your first four-week block placement begins in the week beginning 18 November (Week 9). You will be allocated to a placement in the north-west of England.